Prices start at:
What to expect:
The first of its kind, Kybella is an injectable fat dissolver made of deoxycholic acid. It’s specifically designed to treat “submental fullness” —a.k.a double chin. It works gradually and usually requires up to three treatments usually scheduled 6 weeks apart. Reduce fat in other areas as well such as the armpit area and back fat.
What's normal
Swelling and tenderness for up to a week after treatment.
Sensitivity and/or numbness in the treatment area for up to a month.
Bruising (for up to a week) marking the spot where we injected Kybella.
Doctor's Orders
Don’t book a facial or massage on the same day you’re having Kybella.
Wear sunscreen to protect your skin after treatment.
Apply an ice pack three to four times a day for 15 minutes to help reduce any swelling.
Use OTC Ibuprofen as needed for tenderness.
Revision Nectifirm Advanced am/pm
*products available at SkinStar
Suggested Aftercare Products
*all products available at SkinStar
What to expect:
The Liposonix fat prodecure uses high-intensity focused ultrasound energy to reduce your waistline or other targeted fatty areas without surgery. The fat tissue just beneath the skin is permanently destroyed. On average, expect to lose one clothing size in one treatment. Optimal results occur within 8-12 weeks.
Whats normal
Swelling and tenderness for up to a week after treatment.
Bruising (for up to a week) marking the area o treatment.
Doctor's Orders
Use OTC Ibuprofen as needed for tenderness.
Revision Bodyfirm Contouring Treatment am/pm
*products available at SkinStar
Suggested Aftercare Products
*all products available at SkinStar